KnowDental Games

Through experience and observation, KnowDental has developed a variety of tools to engage children in a fun and meaningful way. We have found that there is no perfect system as every child is incredibly unique. It is well known that kids learn best when they are having fun, but not everyone enjoys every game.

At KnowDental we take the times to consider our audience regarding culture, age, skill level and much more. The games are chosen in a very specific and customized order to create a personalized story that speaks to every child. While some children thrive on competition and high energy, others may be thoughtful and prefer to create. The systems KnowDental develops speaks to everyone.

Click on our different games and tools below to learn more about them

KD Floss Toss

Learning to floss in an exciting way!

What is it?

Floss Toss is a simple game with a big payoff. A length of rope is placed between two large styrofoam teeth, and a tennis ball is wedged above the rope. Two children work together to pull the rope tight and send the ball flying into the air! A third team mate tries to catch the ball in a bucket to win!

What will we need?

  • 2 large teeth models of molars, sculpted out of a large Styrofoam cube and are positioned touching each other’s sides.
  • Each tooth has a concavity for a ball to be placed in it, in the area of contact between the 2 teeth.
  • A rope
  • A ball
  • A bucket

How does it work?

  • Participants are placed in 3 lines. 1 on each side of the rope and 1 waiting to hold the bucket.
  • The dental coach announces the new turn.
  • Each line advances 1 participant, so each turn needs 3 participants.
  • At the announcement, 2 participants pull the rope placed between the molars, throwing the ball up.
  • The third participant holding the bucket has to rush and get the flying ball inside the bucket.
  • By accomplishing the previous steps, a goal is scored.
  • Groups who scored are kept till the end and a choice of a winner is made.
  • The ball between the giant teeth models represents the food that is stuck between teeth – Participants get to visualize how this looks.
  • The rope that is pulled and the ball thrown away represents the flossing action – participants experience the feeling of dislodging the ball and relate it to dislodging impacted food.
  • The visualization and the tactile sense make the understanding of flossing easier to the participants.
  • The concept is introduced as a game which makes its adoption by participants much more likely.

Why do we use it?

This is a great game for high-energy and competitive kids, without being too hard or discouraging for those who are less so. No score is kept, but there is an inherent sense of accomplishment with this kind of game. It is also very accessible to all skill levels, as it really does involve a lot of chance, but that's part of the fun!

The Floss Toss game is an incredibly exciting method of showing the purposing of flossing. The lesson hardly needs to be explained, the kids just get it right away and can't wait to take their turn.

© 2019 by KnowDental Oral Health Training and Tools.