KnowDental Games

Through experience and observation, KnowDental has developed a variety of tools to engage children in a fun and meaningful way. We have found that there is no perfect system as every child is incredibly unique. It is well known that kids learn best when they are having fun, but not everyone enjoys every game.

At KnowDental we take the times to consider our audience regarding culture, age, skill level and much more. The games are chosen in a very specific and customized order to create a personalized story that speaks to every child. While some children thrive on competition and high energy, others may be thoughtful and prefer to create. The systems KnowDental develops speaks to everyone.

Click on our different games and tools below to learn more about them

KD Poster

Keeping Teeth Clean

What is it?

KnowDental doesn't just throw up slides and expect children to pay attention. In our experience we have found that kids don't want to look where you tell them, they want to look at youB We adults are their role models and are the single most interesting thing to a young mind, and that is why we don't throw out posters up on a wall, we hold them, we walk around with them, we talk directly to the children and make them feel genuinely cared about.

How does it work?

  • Posters created and designed by KnowDental
  • They act as a visual representation following the same sequence of information in the sessions. Instructions
  • Following the KnowDental session given, the posters are used to provide a visual representation of the content being explained.
  • A poster is held by a dental coach while another dental coach explains the content

Why do we use it?

The posters are used in the order designed by the session’s moderator to convey different information. For example, the anatomy of a tooth, teeth shedding and eruption, how decay happens, the process of dental decay when left untreated and uncontrolled, and out favorite for when mothers are present with their children, the relation between teeth, calcium, pregnancy and lactation.

© 2019 by KnowDental Oral Health Training and Tools.