KnowDental Games

Through experience and observation, KnowDental has developed a variety of tools to engage children in a fun and meaningful way. We have found that there is no perfect system as every child is incredibly unique. It is well known that kids learn best when they are having fun, but not everyone enjoys every game.

At KnowDental we take the times to consider our audience regarding culture, age, skill level and much more. The games are chosen in a very specific and customized order to create a personalized story that speaks to every child. While some children thrive on competition and high energy, others may be thoughtful and prefer to create. The systems KnowDental develops speaks to everyone.

Click on our different games and tools below to learn more about them

KD Senna

The Tooth Cleaning Educational Game

What is it?

The tooth cleaning game is an extremely fun and interactive way to show kids how important oral hygiene really is. Children are engaged in cleaning dirt off large model teeth purely because of the fun of game, and it is only afterwards that they realize they've learned something.

What will we need?

  • KDSennaMedium (Giant Tooth)
  • A piece of sponge for each player
  • Colored liquid soap
  • Dirt from nearest source
  • Plastic gloves for the moderator
  • Tap water
  • A big container
How KnowDental's model teeth are made
A dirty model tooth before a game has begun

How does it work?

First, the children are divided into groups of up to 9. The moderator scrubs dirt on each groups model tooth, making it seem dirty and ugly. A KDSennaMedium (Giant Tooth) is placed in a container of water and the children sit around it. Each child is handed his or her piece of sponge that he or she is going to use to clean the tooth.

The moderator puts some liquid soap on the teeth and the children are allowed to wet their sponges in the container. At this point, the moderator explains the competitive nature and goal of the game. The children are allowed a certain time to finish, for example 2 minutes, or until the call!

After the game is finished, the moderator spills some water on the cleaned teeth to mimic the act of rinsing the mouth.

A judge is chosen to choose the cleanest tooth, preferably someone important for the competitors (tutor, supervisor, etc). The group who has the cleanest tooth is the group who won!

Why do we use it?

Where we place the tooth cleaning game in the flow of the session is very important. It is always introduced to the children after mentioning oral hygiene and before the technique of tooth brushing. It is considered a bridge between the two points. After It is played, children are excited and eager to know what's next!

KDSenna is a huge part of the narrative of our session, creating a fun story out of brushing, instead of simply a lesson. It is through storytelling and fun that we make these memories stick. This engaging group activity has proven time and time again to be a huge hit, and something kids will still be talking about months later.

© 2019 by KnowDental Oral Health Training and Tools.